Harp music

I decided to sleep in this morning. I am listening to some harp music streamed for me on Tunein radio. Lynettea asked the Google Assistant on the phone to find some for me.
 It produced something for children, so she made it look harder.  I think it must get tired of her constant demands, but it never complains.
If it was me, I might give her a gentle paw slap reminder that she is not the only one to please.  I must come first.


I think there needs to be a Google Assistant especially for kitties.
Sasha said…
You are right, Summer. Kitties need their own Google Assistant. It might also help us to deal with humans.
Lone Star Cats said…
We definitely need our own assistants.
We agree with Summer.
There needs to be more resources on the internet for cats that are appealing to cats.
We deserve a voice too, and an assistant sounds pretty good.

Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ
The Whiskeratti said…
We gotta admit, it was nice of her to find music for you.

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