You Make My Day Award

When I received this award from Camie's Kitties
I didn't nominate any other cats to receive it. Well I went to the blog of two new visitors to my blog and had a lovely surprise watching several beautiful videos of the two kittens in action. They definitely made my day! Wrigley and Cobalt please accept the award and send it to other kitties whose blogs make your day.

Today I went outside on my lead with Lynettea. We stood under the grape-vines in the shade while Lynettea looked at the grapes to see if they were ripe and if any were left, after the birds had helped themselves to the top of the bunches.

Wallis was sitting under the lemon tree. I made a few quiet remarks to him as we went out, but he didn't reply. Then he came past me and went right up to my face and hissed loudly. I was quite taken aback, but because I am very well mannered and never hiss I didn't do anything. After that display of rudeness I didn't feel like staying out anymore and we went in. Lynettea tried to take me out this evening, but I didn't want to go.

It would be nice to have a little pleasant kitty friend. I so enjoyed watching Wrigley and Cobalt playing with one another. There was a little kitten over the road that used to come and play around me. Mostly jump on me, but I was very tolerant. That kitten disappeared and we hoped that some nice person had given it a home. Perhaps my only cat friends will be those on the Internet. Fortunately I get a lot of cuddling from my bean.


Anonymous said…
You are quite handsome, and we're not just saying that 'cause you look a lot like Grandalf, or that we're both gray. OK, maybe that is why :-)
Boy said…
Concatuwations! I hope the kitten gets a nice home too. But definitewy not at mine home...
See what
I gotted!!! I is upset!
Anonymous said…
A few days ago there was a little grey kitty in my garden. It was soooo small! I thought it would like to play with me, but when my male human put on the lights on the terrace (it was dark already) the kitty ran away. After while it came back when my male human put the lights off again. We played that light on and run away game a few minutes, but the kitty wouldn't stay to play with me.
Black Cat said…
Concatulations on your award, which is very well deserved.

How rude that Wallis was. No wonder you didn't want to go out again:) xxx
Kaz's Cats said…
Diamond, that Wallis is just rude! Don't worry about him, he's probably just all talk (or all hiss) anyway. We're sorry that your little friend moved away - maybe you could ask Lynettea about inviting another kitten / young cat to move in with you?

Just a thought,


Gypsy & Tasha
My kitty friends are on the internet and outside kitties. Meowm thinks about getting another kitty, but then I hiss and growl sometihg fierce when one tries to come in the I guess I will have to settle for what I have.

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