Spring in my garden

Here I am lounging in my garden. Lynettea has planted some bluebells, as she knows I like to lie on the soft leaves and also that I enjoy the pretty blue colours of the flowers.
I have been looking for a lizard, but there aren't any out at this time of the day.
You can see a few quince blosssoms on my quince tree. This tree was planted to give me some shade when it gets hotter. At the moment the sun is warm and pleasant, although I find that my fur heats through quite quickly.
Delicious warmth. I love it on my fur. This is a sheltered spot away from any unpleasant winds.


What a lovely spring place to snooze!
Daisy said…
No lizards out yet? Rats!
Phoebe said…
The bluebells compliment the color of your fur!
Sasha said…
Thank you Phoebe, what a nice thing to say about my fur. Or maybe it is a compliment to the bluebells.

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