About the dog

You may remember I told you that the nuisance Burmese cats, Jai and Wallis, from next door took their humans to a new home. Now a dog has moved in where they used to live.
She is not very intelligent and appears to think she is a cat. She doesn't look at all like a cat.
Here I must apologize if there are any extremely tall cats with rough looking ginger fur reading my blog. I don't mean to offend you.
Recently I took Lynettea out for a dose of fresh air in the evening. It perks her up a bit to get out, so I try my best. I was scanning the street through the picket fence when I suddenly saw the new dog ,'Orla,' taking her humans for their outing. Orla stopped right in front of me and snuffled under the gate with her big nose and then jumped up and down whining.
Her humans said to Lynettea that Orla wanted to play with me.
Little does Orla know that I don't usually play with other cats, particularly if I think they are dogs pretending to be cats.
The next day when she went past I stayed further back and looked into the distance ignoring her. It is cruel to give false hope, I find.


I don't think I'd like to play with a dog outside either...
I can't comment these times, I feel strange, but I try again.

I tagged your mommy a meme :)

I think cat always need our personal area, but with doggies, although some of them are friendly...
Sasha said…
I hope cats are not being blocked from commenting. That sometimes happens to me when I visit other blogs. All the comments on this blog have to be approved by me 'Diamond' before they appear. I try to look each day and approve the posts. Sometimes Lynettea doesn't let me because she is cruel. I had betternot let her see that. She loves me and gives me food purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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