My Birthday: I will be fourteen on 28 September 2010

Because it is my birthday tomorrow I have put on a few photos to share with my kitty friends.
I didn't think I would be able to post anything. I sprang on the computer to try to get Lynettea to listen to me, but she was busy and put me back on the floor. She can be quite thoughtless sometimes. After a while she looked around and saw I was still sitting there patiently and she suddenly remembered it was my birthday. She picked me up and took me for a 'special cuddle' on the lounge and then let me post my messages to my friends. She even took some portraits of me in my favourite places in the last few days. One on my airconditioner in the garden (with my halter on). I let her off the halter to take some photos, as long as she stayed in my sight.
I also have included a photo of me in the sun on the bedroom windowsill. The bluebells I can see from this position and the flowering crabapple is at the end of my garden.
You can see my grass too, in one of the photos. It has grown rather wild, I am afraid, as because of the rain I haven't been out often enough to get it under control. The white flowers in the garden are rocket, which Lynettea eats (the leaves not the flowers). All I can say to that is UGH!
And she won't even try any of the grass clumps. She got me to smell a violet the other day, so I humoured her, although the scent was so sharp my nose wrinkled.
If anyone wants to drop by for a visit you would be welcome. I can share any of my snacks with you, although I do like to have a nap in the middle of the day. We could have a nap together.


Teddy Westlife said…
You look very handsome sitting on the airconditioner, Diamond!
The Whiskeratti said…
We will totally drop by! Thank you for offering. Happy Birthday!
Your friend Huffle told me it was your 14th birthday today and then told us how to get in touch with you and so here I am, your new friend, April the Professional Pet Sitter and owner of 3 fur babies (2 cats, Henry and Buster, and a coonhound named Daisy). We hope you have a happy birthday and by the way you don't look 14 at all! You must keep your sleek figure with all of those harness walks!
Huffle told us about your birthday! Happy Birthday to You!!! We hope your birthday is a wonderful one and that you get lots of goodies! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Hawoo Diamond!

Happy birfday too woo!!! We hope woo had a great day, Huffle Mawson sent us over to say hello to woo.

Stop by our blog sometime and say hello:)

Play bows and woofs
Hey, Diamond. Your garden looks like a great place to hand out, with lots of places to doze or sun yourself.

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