There was so much interest in my haiku writing that Lynettea thought I should really compose one instead of going to sleep 'as usual,' she said.

harvest moon
poking into crevices
for lizards

I particularly like writing moon haiku, as you can see from my winning entries. This one has a more feline flavour than usual.

the moon traps a face
in the fishpond

(Lynettea didn't like the one above. She said, 'whose face, Diamond?' I thought it was obvious, a fish face. Who would be interested in anything else.)


The Whiskeratti said…
Seriously! Clearly a fishie face.
I think those are both great haikus - they are very creative!!
wildcatwoods said…
We really enjoy your haiku! Mom tries her hand at it too sometimes.

cats of widlcat woods
Well, duh! I guess Lynettea didn't get the part about the fish face because she is not a cat. I understood perfectly.
meowmeowmans said…
We really enjoyed both of these haiku, Diamond. And we definitely thought you were talking about a fish face in the second one. Please tell Lynettea we said hello. :)

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