another of my moon haiku

I am busy writing one of my moon haiku for a web site where I am a member. I am not sure if they know I am a cat. I don't think I will tell them, as I fear discrimination. We all know humans think they are the only ones who can do anything important.
my moon haiku


The Whiskeratti said…
Oh, we agree, they don't need to be told you're a cat. Hoomins have such fragile egos.
I like your haiku best, Diamond.
Cara n Crew said…
We enjoyed your haiku, Diamond. We bet it would be intimidating for the others to know that you are a cat. Thanks for sharing your poetry.

pip, Smidgen, minnie, and hollie
Donna said…
Yay! I glad for u. :)
meowmeowmans said…
Bravo, Diamond! As always, your haiku is lovely, and so evocative.

By the way, we love your new header picture.
Kari said…
Oh dear Diamond! Your Haiku is lovely!
We think, however, they might know you are a cat because a photo of your handsome face appears next to your entry.
Your grace, reserve and sensitivity should have first given you away. No one as depth of spirit like a cat.

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