change in the Pond World

Yesterday our Pond World changed. The Food Bearer pumped out some of our water and recycled it on The Garden. I was not really nervous as we have experienced this change numerous times in the past. Streak dives downwards as the water level sinks. We find ourselves at the bottom with the Pond Edges towering above us.

I rest on the bottom of the pond, my fins steadying me. Princess Aurora fusses around me, trying to reassure me. I should be looking out for the others, but I feel rather overwhelmed.

Our slate shelves are now well out of the water. They are our shelters when the pond level is high. The waterlily leaves float downwards with the water level.

I rest at the bottom, feeling exposed.

At last the water begins to rise again. We feel refreshed and invigorated. The planks have gone and our sky roof is blue. 

hot day
under waterlily reflections
 goldfish waver

posted by Dawn (Shubunkin) for the Pond Fish


Fuzzy Tales said…
You do have a lovely pond, we must say. :-)
meowmeowmans said…
We are so glad the water rose again! Dawn, you are getting quite good at those haiku.
Y'know, if I were a fish, I think I would hate the water changing process!
The Island Cats said…
We're glad to hear the pond is back to normal again.
Kat said…
What a beautiful pond!
Unknown said…
Wow! That makes me almost want to be a fish Dawn! What a great pond! And yous is one big fishy!
Kari said…
Oh goodness! Just as you were getting settled! Your mum must have a very good reason for doing this because she would never do anything to make you unhappy.
Your haiku is perfect, Dawn. You are a very special boy.
Love to all.

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