right hand helper?

Ha! Sasha thinks he is the 'right hand cat' for Lynettea. What about me? I am the one who really helps around the house. Sasha is more of a hindrance than a help. He even tries to interfere with me when I do my cleaning duties. He is constantly running around me flicking his paws at my brushes and attempting to guide where I go next. I have my own dirt detector scanners, so I don't need his supervision.
 Lynettea told me that last night he was thrusting his little paws up from below her computer desk  and dabbing at her hands as she was trying to prepare work for her writing group.
 Then I could hear screams as he tried to claw her from his tall scratching post.

Millie RoboMaid


Millie, we are sure Lynettea is thankful for the work you do.
Sasha is young and learning the ropes. He may settle down, but will always think he is the right hand helper ;)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie
Donna said…
Don't worry. Hugs make everything better. Snacks help too.
It sounds to me like Sasha is an excellent supervisor-in-training.
The Whiskeratti said…
Thankfully, kittens grow into cats and settle down. Somewhat. :)
meowmeowmans said…
Don't worry, Millie. We know that Lynettea appreciates your hard work, too.

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