i ate my foods

Yes, I ate them, including the new dental crispies and the special dental powder (all natural from kelps) that Lynettea brought back from my vet yesterday and sprinkled on my soft foods. She had a special consult with the vet while I was not there and he told her new things to try.
 She says she is happy with me. But am I happy? She didn't ask. Am I a puppet to be controlled? What defence do I have?
I wonder if I will ever have the answers.
Lynettea says it is a big learning curve for her too. Maybe straight lines are better? More to think about.
It has been a long day and I am ready for bed.


meowmeowmans said…
Good job eating those foods, Sasha! Have a nice rest, dear friend.
I know how you feel, Sasha! I am constantly battling to show my human who is boss!

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