camellia appreciation

Lynette went to lunch with a friend, who had picked some flowers for me. Here I am checking them out. I licked the flowers all over and they tasted nice and with a pink taste.


Katnip Lounge said…
Pink is our favorite flavr!
We aren't allowed to sample any flowers because Mommy won't bring any home. Something about worrying that they might be toxic or something...
Those are pretty flowers! I'm not allowed to lick any - but then, we've never had camellias. I don't know why, since my human loves them.
Hannah and Lucy said…
Mum doesn't bring flowers in as we always seem to be about when they jump off the table.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Minni said…
Lovely flowers! The colour suits you beautifully :)
Tamago said…
Those are such pretty flowers! Lovely pink colors - they complement your fur very nicely :-)
meowmeowmans said…
Those are some nice flowers, Sasha! How nice of Lynettea's friend.

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