Happy New Year

We are waiting for 2016 together.
Lynettea fell asleep, but I miaouwed and woke her up.
I know she won't want to miss it. It is still hot, at 11:10 pm. I could take Lynettea out hunting, but we both know she isn't very good at it. I wouldn't want to humiliate her at the start of a new year.
Happy New Year to everyone.


Minni said…
Dear Sasha, we wish you and Lynettea a very Happy New Year!
Happy 2016 to you and your human, Sasha!
Kari said…
Happy New Year sweet boy! We feel that we cats have a wonderful year in store for us! Love and hugs from all of us.
The Island Cats said…
We wish you a very Happy New Year!
Kitties Blue said…
Wishing you a happy new year and all the best for 2016. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Clooney said…
We love your catio! It's a good thing you woke up your Human so she didn't miss bringing in the New Year with you Sasha! May all your heart's desires come to you with ease and glory in 2016...Happy New Year!
Happy Mew Year... want to trade the heat for a wee bit of cold?

Save the Catio am better all sunny. Oh well.

Has a purrific Mew Year's Weekend!

Purrz from the Katie Katz.
CATachresis said…
Happy New Year to you too Sasha!
meowmeowmans said…
Happy New Year, Sasha and Lynettea! We love you both, and wish you lots of joy, good health and peace in 2016!

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