Santa did come last night

I must have fallen asleep when Santa  came. I was busy eating breakfast when Lynettea brought out our gifts. Santa had hidden them. I could hardly wait for them to be opened. I sprang on the  table and knocked one of Lynettea's gifts  to the floor, but couldn't manage to get it from the packet.
Then Lynettea found the gift Santa left me. I thought I wasn't getting an extra gift, as I already had one.
'Santa saw you were enjoying your gift so much, Sasha, that he decided to bring you an extra one,' Lynettea told me. How would she know that?
It was a beautiful soft cosy, the same as my under-the-bed cosy.
I will put this one under the bus seat in your enclosure, Sasha,' said Lynettea.
I like to go there, but there is only a cardboard  piece to sit on.


meowmeowmans said…
Brilliant! We are so glad Santa stopped at your house, Sasha. And what wonderful gifts!

Happy Christmas to you and Lynettea!
Clooney said…
Awesome gift, Sasha! Merry Christmas to you!
CATachresis said…
Santa has been very busy! Merry Christmas to you, Sasha!
What an awesome and thoughtful gift! Meowy Catmas!
Mr Puddy said…
That's wonderful =^x^=
Meow Merry Christmas to you and your fameowly

The Island Cats said…
We knew Santa wouldn't forget you, Sasha! Merry Christmas!
Katnip Lounge said…

Meowy Catmas from the Katnip Lounge!

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