Winter Warmer

Here I am, on my Snugglesafe warmer, wrapped in a hand knitted scarf from a friend. It doesn't matter if it is raining outside.


That looks like a lovely place to stay warm!
When it's rainy and cool, it is wonderful to have a nice,warm place to sleep :)
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
Sasha said…
I stayed there most of the day.
Hannah and Lucy said…
That looks like a lovely warm place but unfortunately it's too hot for us today.
Fur Everywhere said…
That looks like such a cozy spot for a nap!
meowmeowmans said…
Yes, indeed, Sasha. There's no need to worry about rainy weather when you have a Snugglesafe and a cozy scarf! :)

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