My reflections on yesterday's trip

I have made some points to Lynettea about what happened yesterday, and I expect her to take notice.
1. She is far too domineering. She thinks she can organize me as she wishes. I am a male kitty and not used to being in second place.
2. I felt humiliated at being pushed and shoved around and having people speak over my head as if I was not there. The Vet spoke to Lynettea and concentrated on pushing me around on the table.
3. It was easy for the Vet to shove me around on the table, as I went rigid and was able to be spun around from back to front as he wished, without a struggle. I may not be as compliant next time.
4. My body may not have been hurt, but my ego was bruised. I will take some time to get over this humiliating treatment.
5. I stayed outside all afternoon and evening as a punishment to Lynettea. Normally I would have come in and snuggled in my cosy, or played with my toys in the lounge room, or rushed up and down the hall and done a spot of sink jumping. So she missed out on some positive interaction.
6. I need several weeks notice of any disruption to my routine.
7. The neighbour from next door is forbidden to enter the house again, on pain of my severe displeasure.


We understand Sasha.
After we get home from the Vet, we often keep our distance from mum.
They never consult with us to see if we want to go.
However, our Vet often does talk to us and gives scritches, so she is not too bad.
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ
I see you have put your human on notice - good idea!
dood....ewe knead ta get thiz printed up, laminated, and placed up on de fridge..frank lee ..make several copiez ta place round de houz ~~ ☺☺♥♥
pilch92 said…
SOrry you had such an ordeal. My cat, Sammy recommends a well placed poop on the bed to let the human know of your displeasure.
meowmeowmans said…
It's good for humans to have rules, Sasha. We sure hope Lynettea follows yours!

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