at the vet

Fortunately the waiting room is empty. I have a rain shelter on.
A pack of dogs arrived just after I wrote that. The vet nurse carried me in to the vet's room 2 to wait. It sounded as if the dogs were annoyed at one another. Bark! Bark! Bark!
Then the vet came in and examined me. I had good marks for furs growth, but failed at getting the bucket removed.
After that we went home.
I took Lynettea out for a short walkies to destress, although she seemed relieved to be home. We took Uber both ways and the drivers were helpful loading my cage.. And it didn't rain. My waterproof sheet nearly blew off in the wind, but it didn't, as Lynettea grabbed it. She tries to be helpful, I think, but she doesn't take enough notice of what I tell her to do.
Now I have to go back again in a week. Will it never end?
When will my normal lifestyle resume?


Bummer you are still stuck with the cone. :-(
Sasha, we are sorry the bucket remains :(
We send lots of healing vibes so you heal and can get the bucket off!
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ
Lone Star Cats said…
At least da hair is growin back.
pilch92 said…
Sorry Sasha, I hope you are better soon.
meowmeowmans said…
Darn. Sorry you didn;t get the cone off, Sasha. :(

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