My Pet Bequest Form to RSPCA

Lynettea had to fill in my details for the RSPCA pet bequest program in case anything happens to her. There were only 500 words to describe my purrsonality, which I didn't feel could do me justice. She said I was nervous of going away from home and loved playing with her.
Only partly true. I might not be nervous if I really got going. It is the starting out that is so difficult, the wondering about what might happen.
I don't really want to be bequested, but Lynettea says she has to safeguard my future.
 I am already in the program, but they got a new computer and failed to transfer my details.
Not a good look!!!


It's a good thing your human is looking out for you, Sasha.
meowmeowmans said…
We, too, hope you never have to "be bequested," Sasha. But we are so glad that Lynettea is making sure you are always safe and well.
dood....we hope ewe N yur mom iz both twogetherz... with each otherz... for like 357 yeerz ~~~~ ☺☺♥♥

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