I just woke up

I took Lynettea for her walkies.  The sparrow was definitely not in the garden as I spent some time checking.  We could hear the background noise of the racing cars.
 I felt hungry, so when I brought Lynettea inside she got my meal straight away. I had jelly style premium cat food, as usual and a plateful of my dry foods, for a mature adult neutered male that lives indoors, and my dental food.
As soon as I started eating,  Lynettea shut the door to the back of the house and I heard her slashing at the grapevine and watering plants.
Instead of looking at her through the window, I fell asleep on the lounge and only woke up just now when she tucked my soft scarf around me.
I wonder whether I should get up. It is much later.
But perhaps I won't.


meowmeowmans said…
Sounds like you had a great day with Lynettea, Sasha. Happy napping!
pilch92 said…
You look very comfy.
Eastside Cats said…
Sasha, you've got it made in the shade!
The Whiskeratti said…
A very full day. Enjoy your nap.

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