Heatwave Coming

Lynettea says we have a long heatwave starting. We looked at the 9 day weather forecast on TV and it was hot for 9 days. Whenever another day is added on, it is really hot, or hotter, or even hotter. It won't be as bad as our 47.7°C day, just a lot in a row.
We always seem to be looking at the Weather Channel, this summer.
I am sitting outside in the warm night air. While I am sitting,  I am wondering if I am, at age 6, too mature to play with toys.
But then I think, why not give it a go?


catladymac said…
You're a CAT, Sasha. You can play with toys anytime you want.
pilch92 said…
You are never too old to play with toys :)
Don't worry about being too old for toys, Sasha - Boodie still plays with hers, and she is 17!
dood.....we lookz at de weatherz channull a lot two but fora
diffrunt kinda temperchurez !! :) ♥♥
Eastside Cats said…
Maturity has nothing to do with having fun, Sasha!
I hope you stay nicely cool. Old Man Winter here in Michigan isn't ready to release his icy grip on us yet!

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