I don't spare myself

Even though it is just the beginning of night patrol, I don't spare myself. As soon as I get a chance to get into the bathroom, I pull down the towels ready for her to use.
No wonder she thinks of me as her helper!
'You are my precious cat, Sasha,' she says.
Here I am at the front window.


meowmeowmans said…
Well done, Sasha. Lynettea sure is lucky to have such a diligent helper!
How nice that you do towel service for your human!
You are a pawsome helper Sasha!!
Good thing your purrson appreciates and recognizes your work!
You look mighty good in the window too ;)
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ
pilch92 said…
She is so lucky to have you.
Lone Star Cats said…
She's lucky to have you!
Eastside Cats said…
Oh, Sasha! Such diligence!

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