More waiting for the fish

I was shut in the bedroom. At one stage Lynettea came in and I rushed down the hall. I am protector of the fish and knew something was wrong. But Lynettea grabbed me, saying, 'Dangerous, Sasha. You can't go out there.'
When I was finally allowed outside I found this.

So what was the point of all that?

'The installer will be back next Tuesday,' she told me. The fibreglass may still have fumes.'

Oh well, another week. They have waited so long. I can see they have all come up to ask me questions. 


Lone Star Cats said…
Guess they'll hafta keep waiting.
dood....a week ta fish... iz like 45 yeerz two a cat.... !!!

tell de pond fish ta take lotz oh snoozez N de week willna
seemz az long ! :) ♥♥
Eastside Cats said…
It's impawtant for both you and the fishes to be safe, Sasha!
pilch92 said…
You are a good supervisor.
catladymac said…
Luckily you didn;t have these guys remodel your kitchen !
Sasha said…
We had the kitchen done two and a half years ago. It is tiny, but it took a long time to get them to finish off everything properly. I had to go to the cattery for a week and it was scary and horrible. I was very frightened. But now I have more places to climb.
Sasha said…
The fish have to swim all the time because the pump is strong in the small pond.

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