
I have always had the same nest, except when I first left my cat mother's home as an apprentice pet. It was strange here at first and my human was quite nervous. What a lot my human had to learn! Often I wondered who was the apprentice.
My apprentice nest got too small for me, but I kept it anyway and put a few of my toys in it.
Then I moved to my larger, adult nest on the lounge. It always stays there, even when I am not using it, and humans have to sit at the other end. Everyone is then in their rightful place.


meowmeowmans said…
It looks like everyone has a nice place to sleep, Sasha!
Nice way to use the small nest ;)
The big nest you have is like the one Julie sleeps in.
She says it is very cozy.
Purrs,Georgia,Julie and JJ
pilch92 said…
You are a lucky kitty.
Eastside Cats said…
Sasha, as long as you have the best seat in the house!

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