Busy Night

'Sasha, you're still in bed! It's now 3 pm.'
So what!
'That's a little impolite, Sasha!'
I was up all night, guarding the house. I need to rest.
'You usually stay up late staring out the windows, I know.'
Guarding! I'm looking after my property all night!
'Good cat!'
I'm not good, just security conscious. Yesterday was very stressful, with the intruders.
'What do you mean, intruders?'
They took over my room. And that was after the vacuuming. The vacuum cleaner woke me early.
'You mean our friends? You didn't even come in to see them, Sasha. You stayed outside in your play area.'
They're not My friends.  I'm shutting my eyes now. Silence is golden.


Lone Star Cats said…
I agree - intruders are stressful!
We understand when people come to the house.
WE think you should enjoy a good rest for all that you do Sasha!
Purrs,Georgia and Julie
dood...vizatorz bee de werst.....we hope ya waz abe bull ta chillax with de pond fish :) ♥♥
pilch92 said…
Sorry you had intruders.

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