I Was Like This

But she woke me.
 We had a new hot water service installed this morning. We need hot water to wash my bowls, which must be kept spotlessly clean.
The new appliance looks like a rocket ship. I can't sit on top anymore, as it has a pipe going up through the roof.
I stayed under the bed the whole time the plumber was working.
After that, Lynettea forgot to open my catflap until later in the day. Finally, she realised when I stood in front of it. She opened it, then apologised. Too little, too late, as usual.


Eastside Cats said…
Sasha, sometimes home improvements mean a small sacrifice from all...if only for a little while.
Why do humans always disrupt our naps? We're glad your cat flap got opened up!
We got a new water heater this year too :)
Glad you were able to sleep through it all.
However, forgetting to open your cat flap...not good!
At least she did apologize.That's something
Purrs,Georgia and Julie
pilch92 said…
Good idea to hide from the plumber :)
Lone Star Cats said…
I woulda been UTB too.

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