Which is my best angle

I haven't moved my position in these photos as I am tired after the dawn patrol and am not sure if I slept after the midnight patrol. It is much safer for the household if I am alert at night.
There is  constant rumble of traffic from cars rushing up the street. Lynettea says the humans are all out and about doing panic buying. The soap was all gone yesterday. Why would they buy soap? It is much more natural to lick yourself clean.


Eastside Cats said…
We don't understand the panic buying either, Sasha, but this is an unprecedented series of events, so I guess for some folks, it's like the wheels have come off. If humans would only act more like cats, amIright?
dood....peepulz panic buyed toy let papperz over heer...noe joke !!! :) ☺☺♥♥
pilch92 said…
You are such a cutie.
meowmeowmans said…
Every angle is your best angle, Sasha!

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