Bear is waiting for you, Sasha

 It has been a long day of noise and worry. I got really scared when the chief monster truck parked outside the house and rattled loudly.
Lynettea said to go under bed into my cosy, but I was too frightened.  My whiskers were vibrating and my paws were trembling.
The truck rumbled and snorted.
Lynettea didn't want to go out, because the workers were standing around and some were puffing out smoke.
Then it was quieter and I asked her to look outside. She peeked around the door. Then she went out to the porch.
 Then she rushed in, slamming the door.
'Sasha, don't be frightened,' she said. 'There will be another loud noise. A great big roller truck is hammering down the new asphalt.
When it was nearly dark, at last the noises stopped.
I am tired.
'Bear is waiting for you, Sasha, ' she says.

But I might stay here!


Eastside Cats said…
Sasha, how dare those workers make so much noise in your vicinity!
Call the Mayor! Call the popo! Call the World Health Organization!
NO ONE is allowed to disturb you...NO ONE!
pilch92 said…
Sorry you took a fright.
Yikes!! We would be scared of those big noisy trucks too Sasha!!
You would most likely find us under the bed!
Purrs,Georgia and Julie

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