Is that a Bird?

After all the noise yesterday, I didn't want to sleep inside.  It wasn't cold,  so I curled up on a chair in my enclosure.

This morning, Lynettea woke me up. She was collecting the washing.

When I sat up, I could hear a noise. It wasn't a truck.

Can you see it?

It's a bird!
I feel like a bit of breakfast. 
Lynettea, fill my plate!


Eastside Cats said…
Sasha, the way it works is: you catch the bird, then your mom will put it on a plate!
Did that bird wake you Sasha?
Looks like a pretty neat bird.
We only see them from the window .
Purrs,Georgia and Julie
meowmeowmans said…
Since it wasn't cold, it must have been nice to sleep outside, Sasha. We hope things are much quieter now. Hugs to you and Lynettea!
I bet you were exhausted after yesterday!

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