
I know I am the beloved one, but sometimes that isn't enough.
Do I want more from life?
Am I just an adjunct to a human, a plaything?
'Sometimes I wonder if I am a plaything for a cat!'  she says.
Blogger is not letting me upload my picture.
 So please imagine me posing for my portrait in my cosy, lounging on my hand-knitted, feathery shawl.
Ah!!! Here is my picture.


pilch92 said…
Darn Blogger! I want to see your pretty face.
meowmeowmans said…
Sorry to hear Blogger is not cooperating, Sasha. We certainly miss seeing your handsomeness.
Blogger has been giving us problems, too, Sasha. But now we see your pretty photo.
Eastside Cats said…
Guess I waited long enough, 'cause I see you, Sasha!
Your blue-hued fur is so striking.
dood....we did imagine & then presto !!!!! ther ewe R :) ♥♥♥
I think your human is correct this time, Sasha - SHE is the plaything for you!

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