Is the human home too much?

I am used having the house to myself for more time. Nowadays, if I need self-isolation I hop into my velvet house. Sometimes I stay there all day. 
 Lynettea says the guards outside are on voluntary duty. I don't need them.
'But is nice to think they care for you, Sasha!'
Humans are weird. How can these stuffed toys care for me? Sometimes I slap at them, but I decide to please her by leaving them there.


Eastside Cats said…
Sasha, the felines of the world must sometimes put up with an awful lot of human shenanigans!
She sure is!!!

The Florida Furkids
dood...not sure de "guards" iz doing ther job....they look ta bee sleepin frum were we iz !!
Humans have weird ideas sometimes, Sasha.
pilch92 said…
A lot of kitties are sick of their humans being home :)
meowmeowmans said…
How nice of you to humor Lynettea by leaving them there, Sasha.

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