New Photos

 Lynettea is trying not to type, but she agreed to post two photos. In one I am eating my grass and in the other checking on my fish.


meowmeowmans said…
These are great photos of you, Sasha. We especially like the second one, where we can look at the Pond Fish with you. :)

We hope Lynettea's arm is feeling better.
pilch92 said…
You are a good fish security guard.
Outdoor dining on salad and a nice view of the fish.
Purrs, Julie
The Island Cats said…
We bet that grass tasted really good.
I'm glad we got some photos! I hope your human's arm heals soon.
Ela said…
Such a beauty :)
dood....pleez ta tell de pond fish we said HI !! :) ♥♥
Eastside Cats said…
Lynettea will do anything for you, Sasha!
However, we hope her aches have diminished.

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