
I think I need a little pillow. Mummy. Now the election is over and you are dancing for joy, I need to catch up with my sleep.


meowmeowmans said…
Yes, indeed, Sasha. We need some rest, too, now that the election is over.
That was pretty much my human too!
Oh Sasha, you look SO cozy and comfy :)
Purrs, Julie
pillowz R good dood....maybe mum will get ewe a few...dozen !!

hi two de pond fish ") ☺☺♥♥
Eastside Cats said…
You certainly DO need a pillow, Sasha!
Sweetie used me as her pillow; maybe you should use your human!
The Island Cats said…
We all need to catch up on our sleep now. :)
pilch92 said…
Yes, have a nice nap. :) XO

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