The fish have a new video

I am doing the fish a favour by posting a link to their new video. Otherwise probably no-one will see it, because fish are not popular. Cats are popular. video

I am still waiting for my birthday gift.
It was very hot today, over 38°C (over 100°F).
I am resting under a chair.


Eastside Cats said…
Sasha, we feel your temperature unhappiness, but here it's degrees F!
And a lot of snow feel the other day.
However, the sunshine is bright today, and the snow is sparkling.
dood....ewe haza 100 and we got ZEE ROE !!!

crazzee huh.....we iz headed over two de pond fishez
place rite now . !! ☺☺♥♥
pilch92 said…
I will check out the video. I like your fish.
My human prefers hot weather to cold (for her, that means anything under 70 degrees F).
meowmeowmans said…
Ooh, it is so hot there, Sasha. You're smart to stay under that chair. XO

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