New bowls

I felt excited when Lynettea said a gift had arrived for me. My food delivery came with an extra package.  I helped her by inspecting the box close enough to be sure it was safe. 
Here I am sampling my food from stainless steel bowls raised on a stand so I don't have to crouch low to eat my foods. 
I like them.


Lone Star Cats said…
Those bowls look nice!
Smudge said…
Those bowls sure sound handy. I think dad made something similar for his old bud orbit so he didn't have to bend so low.
Eastside Cats said…
Those are terrific bowls, Sasha!
So much more tasteful than simply putting the bowls on a box or old book, like I've done in the past.
catladymac said…
That is a nice gift ! Glad you like them !
pilch92 said…
Those are very nice bowls. You are a lucky kitty. XO

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