
Lynettea was out yesterday for a while and when she came back I greeted her at the door.
'What is wrong, Sasha?' she asked me. 'You look very upset. Did someone knock on the door? You look very worried.' 
She fussed over me and massaged me with my special brush. Then she filled my food plates, so I soon felt better.
I like her to stay here on call in case I want her to do something, but usually I don't get worried when she goes out.
I am snuggled in my cosy today  as it has been a cooler night. The leaves are turning yellow and orange.


Too bad you can't go with your human when she goes out. But you probably wouldn't care for that like I do.
It's nice when our humans fuss over us :)
I prefer mum to stay at home instead of working.
That way I get scritches on demand.
Purrs, Julie
catladymac said…
I was gone for a long time today too and, even though they had food, my kitties seemed to wonder where I'd been.
pilch92 said…
I wish the leaves were turning here- I love fall most of all.
meowmeowmans said…
We wonder what may have disturbed you, Sasha. Glad you felt better after a brushing and food!
Eastside Cats said…
We are getting warmer temps, and some plants and trees are beginning to bud!
Sasha, my working from home has been delightful, because I'm with the cats all day.
Oh yeah, and will The Hubby too...

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