All About ME

Last night we had a Zoom meeting. I introduced myself as a distinguished blogging writer towards the end, as Lynettea had failed to introduce me at all. It was a course called First Draft where a distinguished novelist tries to prod a bunch of not distinguished beginners into finishing a novel. The distinguished novelist was impressed when he saw me and immediately complimented me on my magnificence. He identified my pedigree at once as a Russian Blue and told everyone how beautiful I was and how intelligent. He was very impressed when he heard I ran my blog. I was a great deal more interesting than Lynettea.
My photo shows me resting in a sunbeam.


I really like your arty pic Sasha :)
Naturally that Writer was impressed with you.
You are a magnificent cat and not a mere human.
You write very well too. Maybe you could coach Lynettea ;)
Purrs, Julie
Eastside Cats said…
You don't need a fancy-pants novelist to know that you are extraordinary, Sasha!
We've been telling you that for years now...
dood.....lynettea owez ewe an apologeez; ore sum new toyz; ore sum extree snax....for shame on her... for knot lettin ewe be up front and center durin de zoom meetin...tho we are glad de man had de sense ta noe greatness when he seez it !!! ☺☺♥♥
pilch92 said…
Well I am glad you got recognized for the royalty you are. XO
Of course you were the star of the meeting, Sasha! Good for the author to know your breed.
Catzowey! You are an Artistacat and ya duzn’t need to zoom on a puter cuz we meowsters are famous for zooming around our houses 24/7! Hee Hee Hee

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