Sasha in Beijing

I jump from my time travel machine into the heart of Beijing. But it isn't the present day,  I can see that now. It is ten years in the past. I wonder if anything has changed. 
People are in a holiday mood. There are long lines queuing to get into the mausoleum where they can view Chairman Mao. I sit down quietly in the middle of the crowd. Can you see me?
 Photographers are lobbying groups to pose for their photos. Troops of small children hurry past and now the fog has lifted, the sun beats down. Where have they all come from, these people? I hear a guide saying that they have come here from all parts of China.
Suddenly a guard marches past me. He stares straight ahead as he strides in a set pattern, ignoring everyone. No-one tries to stop him to ask questions. He is much taller than anyone else.
It might be better to hide before anyone tries to pick me up, so I turn us all into an illustration, spring into my time machine and head home.


dood...nice thing bout a time masheen.....ewe due knot knead a pass port !! :) ♥♥☺☺
Eastside Cats said…
Time travel is fun and all, but home is best!
WOW!! THat was quite an adventure!!
I have never done time travel.
I did travel with mum to visit her sister's place.
Mum is on vacation so I had to go.
I am home now and we will have a nice weekend together.
Your trip sounds much more exciting!!
Purrs, Julie
pilch92 said…
Good idea to head home. XO

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