Fish Comics?

You wouldn't believe it. Lynettea is at the pond chatting to the fish. I know they are pets, but really?
I have to keep an eye on them.
They all swim up, keen to exert their influence on the Food Bearer  as they call her. They aren't very intelligent, in my opinion.
But no! They want a better blog presence. They are jealous of me. Probably for good reason. I have fur and I can run around outside The Pond and go inside the house.
So now they are publishing Fish Comics on their blog.
I wasn't asked for my approval.

link to Fish Comic I Wonder

link to Fish Comic 1 


Lone Star Cats said…
Well, if I wuz a fish, I'd be jealous of being a cat for sure.
I saw your fish comics. (I could not comment with Blogger)
It was cute, nut I still like you Sasha!!!
Purrs, Julie
dood....that art peace with ewe laffin at de pond fish... iz total lee AWESUM ~~~~

we gotta go chex out what they iz up two !! :) ♥♥
Eastside Cats said…
What is this world coming to, Sasha?!?
pilch92 said…
I read their blog too, but of course, no one can top you. XO
meowmeowmans said…
Their comics are really good, Sasha. But you are the master!

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