Guard Cat

Lynettea was showing me some advertisements for special cat carriers that came up on her Facebook. The cats in them look quite passive, peering from little windows while being carted around like a parcel in a knapsack. As for me, I am more a guard cat type. Lynettea says I am the best cat she has ever had to manage at not getting in a cage. I have long limbs and spread them out horizontally so I don't fit in. I am quite proud of her compliment. Diamond once broke out of a large locked container when he had a bad leg, so he was superior to me in that. 
She is concerned about letting my personal vet into the house during Covid-19 for my vaccinations, but that is still a way off. I told her that I don't need them. But she doesn't agree.


meowmeowmans said…
Sasha, that is a skill to be proud of, for sure. But Lynettea is right, you do need to get your vaccinations when time comes.
Will the vet see you outside on your patio? That's what home vets here are doing during outbreaks.
Sasha said…
Lynettea thinks that is a good idea, Summer. She is wondering how to organise it, because I might run up on my walkways wher I am out of reach.
dood....we heer ya....noe carrier ever made... bye any one... iza good one.. for catz.....
;) ☺☺♥♥

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