Letting go

Lynettea has asked Alexa to play my rainforest music.  Letting go of the stressful world situation, I drift into slumber. Wake me when things improve, I meow to Lynettea.


You do look peaceful, but you may have to wait a long time for things to improve.
dood......de werld haz lost itz mind......ewe mite bee like rip van winkle... N bee a sleep for like a bazillion dayz.... bee for de werld improovez ~~~~ YEOW ~~~~ happee week end two ewe N lynettea ☺☺♥♥
catladymac said…
We have some music like that. Very peaceful.
pilch92 said…
If you sleep til things improve, you will be like Rip Van Winkle. XO
Your furs are gorgeous and you sure look comfy cozy! Thanks so much for stopping by!
meowmeowmans said…
The world has gone mad, Sasha. You are wise to slumber, but it may be awhile until things get better.

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