What is He Doing There?

I am not an invalid.


He looks kind of friendly to us.
pilch92 said…
Awwww..that is sweet. XO
dood...may bee he bringed ewe a plate oh samiches N snax !! ☺☺♥♥
meowmeowmans said…
Aww, we thought Bear was your friend, Sasha.
Sasha said…
Bear is someone I relate to. I don't bother with the others. Sometimes I pick him up and carry him around. And sometimes we have a wrestling match. I don't like Lynettea making a fuss of him. He is my toy. If she does that, sometimes I give him a bit of a whap to remind him that he is my friend, not hers. Sometimes I carry him to my futon so he can keep guard during the night. His little beady black eyes are always open.

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