The heated bed

I have treadled on the bed, sniffed it all over, squatted on it, then gone back to my old familiar cosy. 
'I paid a lot for that heated cosy, Sasha. Why won't you use it?'
It doesn't smell familiar.
'It has been on the lounge for two nights, Sasha. There is no room for me to sit.'
Thinks-- take it off, then.
'I'll try to get you in it with the heat off. What about this nice sunshine on the bed? Do you fancy that, Sasha.'
Not really. It smells strange.
'What if you just step in, and I keep on stroking your furs, and gradually ease you on your side with this piece of rug at your back?'


catladymac said…
Sounds like your Mom has some ideas to help you feel comfortable in your new bed.
meowmeowmans said…
Good on you for giving it a try, Sasha. Maybe Lynettea can put something in there that you currently lay on, so that it smells more familiar?

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