I think I will stay here

I think I will keep this cosy here in the middle of the loungeroom floor.
'It is in the way, Sasha!'
In whose way?
Whose house is this, after all. I am very pleased you look after me, but you know you need constant supervision. On top of that, I have to monitor you most of the time.
'Who asked you to do that? Not me.'
We felines all know how deficient humans are. Maybe one day you will make some nice obedient robots for us to order around.
Felines will rule the world.
'I had better go and lie down!'


Sasha, you are right! We cats do rule the world!
The humans will never admit that even as they do our bidding!
All we can do, for now, is smile at them and give them a slow blink ;)
Purrs, Julie
pilch92 said…
Felines should definitely rule the world. :) XO
meowmeowmans said…
Felines woudl do a way better job than humans of ruling the world, Sasha. And that looks like a great place for your cosy.

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