Sasha's Tenth Birthday

The 13th February was Sasha's tenth birthday. We didn't have friends around. Instead we enjoyed plenty of cuddles and games and went for two expeditions, one in the morning and another in the evening. Sasha loves to sit outside at night until the stars come out, in the hope of catching lizards. We went for a walk down the street just before dark, only running into our neighbours, who were off to see a three hour movie at the cinema around the corner. Then we waited until the orange glow started to fade from the sky before going inside for snacks and TV.


Happy birthday Sasha! It sounds like you had a lovely day.
meowmeowmans said…
Happy birthday, Sasha! We love you, buddy.

That sounds like the purrfect way to celebrate your birthday with Lynettea! XO

Happy Belated Birthday Sasha!
I bet it is fun seeing lizards!
I do not have anything too exciting around here mostly
because I do not get out very often and not in Winter ;)
Purrs, Julie

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