Night View

Me looking out my window at night.
I let my human watch TV in my room, but
it is far more interesting to observe life in the street.
'It's all quiet out there, Sasha. Why are you so fascinated?'
TV is just pretend. I prefer real stuff.


pilch92 said…
Most of my cats prefer looking outside, but Rosie loves the tv. :) XO
meowmeowmans said…
We bet you see lots of interesting stuff out there, Sasha!
Sasha, window gazing is pawsome.
I have a windowsill in the kitchen and a great view of the yard.
I can watch critters, mostly birds, that come to the feeders.
The ducks come visit too for seeds on the ground.
Once in a while I see a raccoon!!
Purrs, Julie

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