I don't need help

Peru Bear has been quiet all these years. Fair enough, he has the best chair, made of Sea Grass and highly suitable for a cat. But I tolerated it, as he has kept to himself.
But it's a different story now. He pushes himself forwards and tries to join in.
He must realise that I am in charge of Lynettea and I am very qualified to look after her without bear-type interference.
Just now he insisted on a group photo. He knows I need to sit on her to keep her calm, so he sat beside me for the selfie. 
How about that? I can warm her with my soft furs and body heat. Bear has furs, but he isn't warm at all.

this is a blog hop from cat on my head

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Maybe bear cannot warm your person, but she can cuddle with him.
I think she likes you because you are warm and soft and can give rumbly purrs.
Humans often like things that are cute and soft even if they are not alive.
They like we cats better though because we have pawsome purrs and soft furs :)!
Purrs, Julie
meowmeowmans said…
Maybe he just wants to learn from you, Sasha. After all, you are obviously the master!
pilch92 said…
Bear is cute, but not as cute as you. XO
The J-Cats said…
Hallo! Of course you don't NEED help, but he's still quite a cute bear, so maybe you can let him feel needed. Some bears need that!

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