Me at Rest

During the day I take a well earned rest. I was tucked up next to Lynettea, but she moved..Humans are so restless. Note the words rest less. They need less rest than I do. I need to recuperate and try to work out how to solve the world's problems. Mostly caused by humans, I note. All humans need to have a cat sitting on them to curb their worst excesses.


You are SO right Sasha!
Humans tend to get overexcited about everything.
They really could learn about relaxing form we cats if only they would
take a moment to observe us. Silly humans!
Purrs, Julie
meowmeowmans said…
You're right, Sasha. Humans need to take lessons from cats and rest more!
pilch92 said…
You are such a cutie. XO

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