Cat Traveller

 I am taking you on a virtual journey with me to show you some scenes from South Australia. This is the Murray River. I am glad that I could visit virtually because it was probably cold. Lynettea was on a bus trip. Giphy has made the photo smaller. Visit the link to get the best view of me.

We hope you like visiting other places. I prefer to think about them from the safety of my place on the sofa. I like to curl up with Lynettea in the evening and watch something on TV, mostly with my eyes closed and a gentle stroking motion on my furs. 

I force her to stop doing other silly things, so we get that time together. You may wonder how I do that. Standing next to her and head-butting is one of the first resources. Then I might poke her with one of my front paws and gaze at her until she says, 'I suppose I will have to watch some TV now.'



pilch92 said…
I prefer the safety of my sofa too. :) XO
meowmeowmans said…
That was pretty cool, Sasha! We enjoyed the virtual tour!

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