
It's curious here. So much happens because the human shifts things around. I do my best. But she fails to consult me. Sometimes I feel I am only an ornament.


Sheesh!!! Your human should consult you before making any arrangements!
You are the Cat...the Boss! Maybe it was your human that put those two together.
Maybe they are not plotting against you and wish to be separated.
I purr that is the case!
Purrs, Julie
pilch92 said…
I am sure they want you to sit with them too. XO
Yes,humans move things around without consulting us.
I am sure bear and rabbit are together because of your person and that would be happy for you to join them. I bet you can work it out!
Purrs, Julie
Just join them Sasha.
I am sure they would love your company :)

Purrs, Julie
meowmeowmans said…
Maybe they're sharing about how much they love you, Sasha.

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