Into China

 This was one of my adventures before the pets insisted they come with me. Lynettea made some travel photos for me but has been lazy in posting my reminiscences. I like looking at my travel photos. It may be virtual travel, but looking at the snow and ice in this photo makes me pleased I have a warm spot to cuddle up in at home. This is near Jiuzhaigou in the Min Mountains in China. You can see how warmly everyone is dressed. I needed all my dense Russian Cat underfurs to keep warm. Lynettea went there years ago and used an oxygen cylinder to breathe in very high places. Some of my trips are old ones into the past, like a Dr Who Time Machine.

Let me know if you want to see more of my visits in this area.



dood !! lookz prettee cold ther...make sure ewe bundle UP :) !! ♥♥
meowmeowmans said…
Glad you have those underfurs, Sasha! It does look very cold!

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