We arrive in Paris

 After our super long plane flight from Adelaide, the pets arrive in Paris France. Their first stop is at a cafe with a great view of a landmark. What a great adventure! Sasha orders the pets a big helping of their favourite chips. Everyone is smiling at us. Sasha has some roast chicken.


We are joining the Cat On My Head blog hop.



That's a delightful-sounding place to sit and have a snack. The chicken sounds extra delicious and just right for a Sunday lunch treat.
Kitties Blue said…
Thank you so much for joining the hop this week. Please come back often. You are stunning and should show off to all your friends. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh
meowmeowmans said…
Iconic! That is a great way to start your visit to Paris, Sasha!
That sure does look like fun, Paris, WOW!
pilch92 said…
Bonjour!! Sadly that is about all I remember from 4 years of high school French a very long time ago. XO
What a great place and what a beauty you are😻Double Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead🐾😽💞

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